1 Minutes

The global COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted new and existing challenges around mental health care. One in four adults experience mental illness, (NHS England) and many more of us know and care for people who do. For many, the COVID-19 pandemic has created anxiety which is a normal response to uncertainty (WHO, 2020).

In his latest conversation, Chetan Trivedi discuss the impact of coronavirus on mental health with Dr Tarun Gupta, a General Practitioner and Occupational Health Physician based in the UK.

The impact of coronavirus on mental health

In our first video interview we explored the impact of COVID-19 on mental health. Dr. Gupta shared examples of what he is witnessing on the ground.

The impact of technology on mental health

In our second short video we discuss the impact of technology in healthcare generally, how technology plays a role in supporting patients with mental health conditions, and some of the limitations of technology.

Prevention, assessment and treatment

In our final segment, Dr. Gupta answers the question… if he was appointed Mental Health Tsar, how would he address mental health care in the UK?

Useful resources

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